Use Home Care Aides for Seniors Post-Surgery
When your aging mom or dad needs to undergo surgery for preventative treatment or as a result of an injury or illness, they are going to need a lot of support and help afterward. Even if your elderly parent is fully independent, the serious limitations of post-op recovery means that they may need part-time or even full-time home care assistance. You can make sure they have the help they need and still take care of your own duties when you hire a home care assistant.

Senior Care in Fairfax VA: Surgery Aftercare
Post-Op Behavior is Important for Recovery
There are many reasons why an elderly person might need to have surgery. Some of the most common are hip or knee replacements, varicose veins, inserting devices like pacemakers, removing cancerous or non-cancerous tumors, taking out infected tissue, and routine surgeries such as for cataracts. Family members are usually part of the support leading up to the surgery and even for the day of the surgery. It’s the days and weeks that are after the surgery that make a real difference to recovery.
During the time after returning home from surgery, seniors must abide by the doctor’s orders for treatment and recovery. Usually, post-op patients need to take medicine and avoid sitting around all day. If they don’t get up and move a little, they could develop bed sores, nerve damage or blood clots in the legs. Post-surgery seniors will also be unable to do a lot of things for themselves, such as pick up prescriptions and medications, shop for groceries, prepare meals, bathe, dress and clean the house. If your aging mom or dad is unable to do all these things, their recovery could be in jeopardy.
Home Care Aides Bring Peace of Mind
Post-operative assistance for elderly adults can mean the difference between a fast and full recovery and one that is slow and full of complications and setbacks. Many family members find that hiring a home care assistant is the best way for their aging relative to have their needs met while they are in the recovery phase. As much as you might want to be around to help your elderly parent for the six to eight weeks after a surgery, your other responsibilities will certainly get in the way.
Hiring a home care assistant for an elderly adult recovering from surgery can bring peace of mind for both family members and the elderly patient. It can be very challenging for a senior to keep track of all the medicine they need, as well as what doses and when to take them. They may need assistance with daily care tasks like bathing, dressing, and toileting. It’s important that they get up and walk around several times per day according to the doctor’s recommendation.
If you are worried about your elderly parent making a full and complete recovery after a surgery, look into hiring in-home care services Being cared for by a professional home care aide allows elderly adults to focus on recovering instead of worrying about taking care of themselves.
If you or a loved-one are considering Senior Care in Fairfax, VA, please contact the caring staff at Quality Health Services LLC. Call today 703-910-7081.